We Buy Logs
Who Do We Buy From?
Speyside Bourbon Stave Mill purchases White Oak Stave Logs from sawmills, log yards, independent loggers, and landowners throughout the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic region.
We have Log Buyers in each region who will work with you if you have quality White Oak Stave Logs you wish to sell.
Please contact the Log Buyer in your region for additional information on how to sell your White Oak Stave Logs to us. Contact information is available in this section under Log Buyers.
Sustainability Principles
We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that the White Oak we purchase is harvested sustainably and that all harvests have been done so with respect to state guidelines for forestry best management practices.
At Speyside Bourbon Cooperage, we care about the long-term health of the forest and a guaranteed, continual source of wood products for future generations. In addition, by harvesting the forest sustainably, we not only ensure the continual growth of trees but also provide availability of food and habitat for wildlife.
We have been awarded the Certified Legal and Sustainable designation from the Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Inc, (AHMI) for our sustainable log buying practices. We are active members of the White Oak Initiative.
In addition, our mill byproducts such as chips and dust resulting from the manufacture of staves and heading are sold to local paper mills for the manufacture of paper and bio-mass energy; and to furniture manufacturers for the fabrication of composite furniture and wood pellets. What dust we do not sell, we use to fuel the boilers that heat our buildings and dry our wood. Nothing is wasted.
Log Buyer Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in learning more about employment opportunities as a Log Buyer for Speyside Bourbon Stave Mill please contact:

Michael Harold, Raw Materials Procurement Manager
Certified Forester
Cell: 540.246.3929